TREMOGLIE: Forget the Gossip and Remember the Facts; Re-Elect Lauren Boebert

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Politicians are elected for their political beliefs and actions. For members of Congress, votes and advocacy group endorsements are useful methods for assessing a candidate’s beliefs and actions. If Colorado voters do this Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) will have no problem being re-elected. She is right-of-center, acts with common sense, and thinks of America first.

Consider the following votes by Boebert and the organizations endorsing her:

  • She voted to protect Americans from the abuses of Tik Tok (HR7521)
  • She voted against the 2021 George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
  • She voted for the Laken Riley Act
  • She supports increasing security along the Southern border
  • She has been endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee, the NRA, the National Federation of Independent Businesses, Campaign for Working Families, Colorado Shooters Assoc. and Citizens Against Government Waste

The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of Democrats and of some Republicans is shameful. Since when have politicians in Sodom-and-Gomorrah-on-the-Potomac been concerned about sexual mores or behavior? Do they need to be reminded of the sexual escapades – while in office – of some of the most lauded members of the Senate, Congress, and White House? The roll call of Congressional and Presidential sexual infamy reads like a Who’s Who of the Washington DC Swamp.  Here is a partial list:


  • President John F Kennedy and his alleged  White House swimming pool menage a trois
  • Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquidick
  • Arkansas Rep. Wilbur Mills found with the “Argentine Firecracker” stripper Fanne Foxe
  • Ohio Rep. Wayne Hays and Elizabeth Ray, who worked for him as a clerk despite not being able to type.
  • Sen. Gary Hart and Donna Rice who was on a boat trip with him to the Bahamas – while he was married.
  • Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds censured for having sex with a 17-year-old Congressional page
  • Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank fixing parking tickets for a male escort who lived with him and operated a homosexual prostitution ring from Frank’s residence
  • Illinois Rep. Mel Reynolds who was convicted of statutory rape.


  • Ohio Rep. Buz Lukens convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old girl
  • Mississippi Rep. Jon Hinson who fellated a male employee of the Library of Congress
  • Illinois Rep. Dan Crane, who had sex with a 17 year old Congressional page.
  • LA Rep. Bob Livingston., nominated for House Speaker but declined after his extramarital affairs were revealed
  • NM Sen. Pete Domenici had an extramarital affair and fathered a kid
  • IN Rep. Dan Burton also had an extramarital affair and fathered a kid
  • FL Rep. Mark Foley was accused of sending sexual emails to teenage male congressional pages
  • IL Rep. and House Speaker Dennis Hastert who admitted to molesting boys as a wrestling coach

This list does not include the infamous case of Democrat President Bill Clinton who was fellated by an intern half his age – Monica Lewinsky. Despite this, Democrats and feminists revere Clinton. They certainly rallied around him during his impeachment for perjury. Nor does this list include former NY Rep. Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary Clinton’s close advisor Huma Abedin, who was convicted of sexting a minor girl.

The idea that Democrats and high-minded Republicans politicians pretend they find Lauren Boebert’s frisky behavior offensive is laughable given their history of tacitly condoning the sexual perversions and immorality of prominent Democrats and Republicans.

Coloradans need to worry about the issues and the problems facing our nation. They must elect the person whose voting record and political advocacy reflects their own beliefs.

On that score, Lauren Boebert is an impeccable candidate.


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