Twitter Reacts To Progressive DA Chesa Boudin Being Ousted In San Fran Recall


Twitter was relieved when Chesa Boudin, San Francisco District Attorney, lost Tuesday night’s recall election and had to resign. Critics label Boudin far-left in San Francisco. Boudin said that any offender below 18 would be tried and tried as an adult.

Boudin was defeated in Tuesday’s recall election. 39% of San Francisco voters wanted Boudin to remain there.

Many Twitter users found it fascinating that one of America’s most liberal cities had elected to remove its district lawyer. Conservatives believed it meant that Democrats were being rejected in November’s midterms. However, a few mainstream journalists acknowledged this.

Dinesh Da’Souza, conservative filmmaker and author, tweeted that Chesa Bordin was the winner .

James Hohman (Washington Post columnist), tweeted: “The recall Chesa Boldin overnight is an historic moment. It rejects the soft-on crime approach that made many cities less safe.

Charlie Kirk, the founder and CEO at TPUSA, posted, “Soros-Backed DA Chesa Bordin loses in San Francisco.” He also said, “Terrific news to America. Every Soros DA he planted in any single county or city across America should be thrown out.”

Ann Coulter, a conservative author, made fun of Boudin recall tweeting: “The good news is that Chesa Boudin will still be prosecuting criminals

Jonathn Choe, a Discovery Institute journalist, tweeted his analysis of the election results. Recall was largely influenced by the Asian American voting bloc.

Melina Abdullah, Los Angeles Black Lives Matter Organiser, lamented Boudin’s recall and tweeted: “One our most dedicated, visionary DAs just recalled.” “@chesaboudin convinced me to believe in “progressive procuror. “Procop and big-money interests bought this election.

Shaun King was far-left activist who refused to believe this was a way forward for progressive district attorneys.


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