Why Is It Hard to Have Compassion For Muslims?


It is difficult to sympathize with and understand a group of people who are not compassionate or open-minded.

For example, the Rohingya, a Muslim minority that is mainly from Myanmar, are frequently portrayed as victims. This is part of their history, and what has led to their current situation. They were quick to attack other people when they had the chance.

Similar to other Muslim minorities, the Rohingya have engaged in similar anti-infidel violence and terrorism as others. The West rarely hears about the situation. However, Myanmar has responded with uncompromising ruthlessness to it, which is a significant difference from the West.

Wirathu, a prominent antimuslim Buddhist monk from Burma, is known as Wirathu. He stated, “If our land is weak, it would become Muslim.” This is the Rohingya. Wirathu said that he would “build a fence using our bones, if needed,” to keep out the Rohingya.

Take Fr.’s words into consideration Daniel Byantoro, a Muslim convert to Orthodox Christianity.

My country, Indonesia, was a Hindu Buddhist kingdom that lasted thousands of years. The kingdom was attacked and those who refused to convert to Islam were forced to flee to Tengger or Bali. They were able to keep their faith until now. Instead, we are people who value freedom, and democracy and we care about others.

It is all history. The Rohingya have experienced persecution and learned to deplore the idea of victimizing others because they are different.

One example is the attack on 12 Christians by a group from Bangladesh, Muslim Rohingya, in January 2020. One Christian stated that they were attacked because of their faith. The terrorist group also attacked us on May 10, 11, and 13. ”

The spate of attacks was discussed by the Rohingya Christian Assembly of India. According to it, Muslim Rohingya attacked all Christian communities in Kutupalong Camp… 25 Christian family members were forced to flee. It is winter and very cold. The victims are often minor children. They claimed that at midnight, machete-wielding mobs attacked and destroyed all Christian homes.

India: Hundreds of Rohingya Muslim workers attacked Christian workers in India last Christmas 2021. “They were celebrating and dancing late into the night when Muslim migrants attacked.” The riot also injured other police officers and others who tried to intervene. Fanatical Rohingya tried to burn policemen alive.

In Bangladesh, at the same time, a Muslim Rohingya defeated a Christian Rohingya unmarried in a refugee camp. “I don’t feel safe in the camp. ”

David Sunir, another Christian was also mentioned in the report: “We Christians live in fear. We are a minority. ”

It is important to note that similar events take place in the West. There are regular reports of Muslim refugees in need of asylum attacking and killing Christian minorities in European-based refugee camps.

ISIS sent teams disguised as refugees to U.N refugee camps to kill Christians, kidnap young girls and sell them or become slaves. A man who was part of an Islamist hit squad to kill Christians.

Nevertheless, the point is not to argue that all Muslims are troublemakers and therefore “deserve” whatever treatment they get. Rather, it is, and to reiterate the question initiating this article, to ask: How is one supposed to feel pity and want to provide sanctuary for a minority group that, once it has the chance, treats the minorities in its midst atrociously—and for no other reason than because they are different, in this case, because they are “infidels”?

The post Why Is It Hard to Have Compassion For Muslims? appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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