You Can’t Be Blind to All The Potential Conflicts of Interest in The ‘Russia Collusion’ Case in D.C.


It seems like everyone involved with the Russian Collusion are old friends. Surprisingly many of them also have connections to the Michael Sussmann probe.

Both Republicans and Conservatives in D.C. are constantly concerned about Judges. Roger Stone was a Republican and a Conservative in D.C. and was convicted of obstruction.

Many Jan.6 protesters who are still waiting to be tried chose to have their cases heard by a judge, rather than face a jury of far-left Democrats. One out of 10 D.C. residents doubts District’s fairness during the trial.

These issues are not only alarming but also far more than jury composition. Let’s take a look at a May 1999 event.

An announcement by the New York Times gives an idea about the extravagant nature of this event.

Dorothy Ames Jeffress (Federal prosecutor) and Christopher Reid Cooper (lawyer) were married yesterday at Meridian House, Washington. John Payne, a Roman Catholic priest, took part in the ceremony.

The 34-year-old bride is called Amy and keeps her last name. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

All top schools. Rich class.

Christopher Reid Cooper was the groom. According to the Washington Post, Cooper was an undergraduate student at Yale. Cooper was described in an article as a “well-connected rookie”. Cooper was also known as John Rice, Cooper’s roommate and close friend. Rice is the brother of Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor.

Cooper was affectionately known as “Casey” and was given a spot on Obama’s transition team.

Obama appointed Cooper to the federal court in 2014. As you probably know, the Senate unanimously elected to name Cooper to the federal bench in 2014.

Cooper’s father-in-law, William Jeffress was a partner at the same law firm where Amy Jeffress and Cooper worked. Cooper was delighted to begin his new job. Cooper’s father-in-law, William Jeffress, was also a partner in the same firm where Amy Jeffress and Cooper worked. He is an experienced trial lawyer and is highly capable.

They were also allowed to represent Saudi Arabian officials against lawsuits brought against them by 9/11 victims.

Casey Cooper currently serves as the judge in the Michael Sussmann trial. Sussmann claimed that he didn’t do it to Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party, but rather because he felt a civic obligation.

The FBI quickly began investigating Trump’s fake news claims that he was a Russian spy. It spun up the likes of the FBI’s Peter Strozk, who conspired with his side chick, FBI attorney Lisa Page, to provide an “insurance policy” — a seek-and-destroy-mission to get Trump. We have seen their texts and know the truth. American citizens were able to see the scandal between these men. We were able to learn from them about the “secret society”, which Strozk used “to stop Trump from ascending to power.”

The bride is visible. The terrorist’s case was handled by her husband, while the prosecution was handled by her office.

Page is represented by Jeffress in her lawsuit against the FBI. FBI provided explosive text messages warning America of a plot to destroy Trump and his “Walmart shoppers”, who voted for him.

Merrick Garland, America’s Attorney General, performed the ceremony.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with grace-and-favor jobs, and you can’t help it if you live in an incestuous cesspool of government hacks and grifters. Let’s hope those are the one-offs, but there sure is something wrong with overwhelmingly stacking the deck against your political adversaries.


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