Another Embarrassing Weekend for Stacey Abrams


Stacey Abrams now surpasses Hillary Clinton in terms of being the least self-aware person on the planet. She appeared in Athens for a Georgia Bulldogs away game just a few weeks back to show how dumb she is toward Georgia voters.

Abrams continues her embarrassment. With just two weeks before the midterm elections, Abrams could have spent Friday trying to convince Georgians to let her ruin Georgia. Instead, she walked onto the stage at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena to support Latto (opening act) and held a sign reading “My Body My Choice” that promoted abortion.


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First, she did not appear alongside headliner Lizzo (I promise that I won’t make fat jokes). Instead, she was the opening act. It’s embarrassing enough. Latto, however, was singing her hit song “P***y”, as Abrams jumped on stage.

These tweets will tell you more. (Bite of a warning about language here.

Evidently @StaceyAbrams was courting values voters last night at the Lizzo concert

Did she see this sign that was being held up on stage before she walked on stage?

— Philip Holloway (@PhilHollowayEsq) October 23, 2022

Erick Erickson writes, “Meanwhile. Everything is just going fantastically with Stacey Abrams” campaign. “A Democratic pollster puts her tenth behind Brian Kemp, and Abrams was caught on stage at Lizzo concerts. This is the image. This picture really connects to suburbia.”

The stunt is in keeping with Abrams’ recent double-down on abortion. It was what she called the “solution to inflation” on MSNBC.

She told Mike Barnicle, “Let’s make it clear: Having kids is the reason you’re worried regarding your gas price. It’s also why you worry about how much food you can afford.” This is not a simple issue for women. It is not possible to divorce if you are forced to have an unintended pregnancy due to the economic realities of having children. These are the reasons why it is important to have both/and these conversations.

At last week’s debate, Gov. She ran hard on the issue of abortion. Brian Kemp and Shane Hazel, the Libertarian candidate, attacked Kemp for his support of protecting the unborn.

She declared, “This governor has been beating his chest for four years but delivered very little for most Georgians.” He’s weakening gun laws and flooding our streets. He’s weakened… women’s rights. He has denied women access to reproductive health care. Four more years of Brian Kemp is the most dangerous thing Georgia has to face.

Recent polls have Abrams trailing Kemp by 10 points. Kemp has a stellar record in running the state and is incredibly popular across all racial lines. Georgia voters will choose Kemp over Abrams. She doesn’t realize that she is going broke on an issue that isn’t resonating right now with Georgia voters.

Are Abrams’ self-awareness and self-awareness so poor that she can’t believe she’s not as far behind as she thinks? Is it possible that Abrams has fallen in love so much with the left-wing media about her that she believes she can still pull off appearing onstage with a foul-mouthed hip-hop artist? She can’t stop embarrassing herself in any way.

The post Another Embarrassing Weekend for Stacey Abrams appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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