ACLU Demands Feds Stop Cooperating With Abbott Sending Illegal Immigrants Back To Ports Of Entry


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), is requesting that the federal government investigate Texas Governor. Greg Abbott’s (R), order authorizes illegal immigrants to return to entry ports. Abbott signed an executive directive last month authorizing the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard to respond to illegal aliens flooding across the border. They will apprehend them and return them to the border at their port of entry.

It also mentions the dangers associated with illegal crossings, and points to the unfortunate discovery of 53 bodies inside a truck belonging to smugglers. The order also stated that at least 42 people on the terrorist watchlist were arrested for trying to illegally cross the border since January 2021.

He said that the open border policies of President Biden, which allowed for the smuggling of record numbers, weapons, drugs, and people into the country, have made it easier and more profitable for cartels.

The ACLU is challenging Abbott’s executive orders and is asking the Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties for an investigation. The ACLU wrote to the office stating that DHS should not take custody of individuals under these circumstances and should prohibit Texas state and local officials detaining people on federal property in accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive orders.

According to Texas Tribune, the letter describes the Texas Tribune’s reporting about transferring migrants. It also notes that the migrants are required to wait for federal agents to transfer them, sometimes for hours.

According to the civil rights group, the inspection site for commercial vehicles “apears to be CBP U.S. Customs and Commercial entry,” which is federal property. Although the Tribune couldn’t confirm this, it would be more clear that the state authorities involved in immigration enforcement have transferred migrants to federal property.

In a letter, the ACLU stated that unilateral arresting and transporting migrants on immigration grounds by state officials and detention of migrants on federal property on the part of state officers raises serious legal concerns. This includes violations of CBP detention standards as well as protections from discriminatory treatment.

The ACLU asserts that migrants are held on federal property violating [federal standards] as well as in potentially dangerous conditions.

Abbott took further action and sent illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like New York City.


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