AOC: Abortion An Economic Issue, If Women Must Give Birth, Parents Are Conscripted to Work Against Their Will


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), claimed that abortion is an economic issue during a House hearing on Thursday. If women aren’t allowed to have an unplanned pregnancy, parents are effectively “conscripted to work against their will.”

AOC made these remarks at a House Oversight Committee hearing on abortion. She also decided to reveal what birth control methods she uses.

Ocasio Cortez stated that abortion is an economic problem. “Forcing working-class and poor people to have children against their will and against their consent is an economic problem. It’s a way to keep a workforce effectively conscripted to large employers and to employers to do more against their will and to take second or third jobs against the will of their will and their autonomy.”

Ocasio Cortez also disclosed during the hearing that she uses an intrauterine device or IUD.

Ocasio Cortez stated, “I, for instance, since Republicans are forcing the conversation in uncomfortable ways,” and “I have an IUD.” “I have had one for many years.”

A Planned Parenthood medical doctor falsely claimed during the hearing that women can have babies and get pregnant.

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R.GA) asked Kumar about his medical director for primary care and trans care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. He replied, “Men can have sex, especially trans men.”

Kumar stated that anyone with a uterus could be capable of becoming pregnant, regardless of whether they are a woman or a man. It doesn’t matter what gender you are.

“OK, we’re done,” Clyde replied.

Kumar stated that not everyone with a uterus can become pregnant. This is medicine.

Clyde stated, “I don’t understand why it’s necessary for me to say this, but males cannot get pregnant or give birth, regardless of how they identify themselves.” “Why would Democrats bring in someone whose title reads “director of trans care” for an abortion hearing, when biological women are allowed to become pregnant?”


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