Behold the Democrats’ Closing Argument for the 2022 Midterm Election


Election Day will be held on November 8, 2022. Some voters have already cast their ballots in certain states. Others won’t rely on COVID-era postal ballots, but will instead vote in person at the polling stations.

The leaders of the nation’s Democratic party believe that you should vote for them to power for another term in the midterm elections. Democrats offer a final argument that will motivate you to vote, just like in every election year.

Here’s the Closing Argument of the Democrat Party for 2022

According to Heritage Foundation, Americans’ net worth has decreased by $75,000 since Joe Biden became president.

Overspending is leading to inflation and is decimating savings and retirement accounts. These are now down 20% from the time Joe Biden was elected.

Inflation alone has decimated 25% of the average 401K plan by 2022.

Only 25 days of diesel fuel are available in the United States.

The highest gas prices in American history are at the moment.

Heating oil prices have risen by over 40% in the past few weeks, and are in short supply heading into winter.

Joe Biden slashed the U.S. fuel supplies, ending American dominance and begging for oil from despots.

Democrats shut off reliable energy sources and invest in sun and wind power that are dependent on the weather.

Baby formula is still in short supply

For the first time, the Heritage Foundation index of military strength has rated the U.S. military as weak.

The U.S. has suffered the worst military failure in its history with the Afghanistan bug-out.

Forcible shots shattered the ranks of the military and police as well as medical professionals. These so-called first responders went from being heroes in the aftermath of 9/11 and COVID to becoming zeros after they disapproved with the regime.

Wokism has reduced the number of military recruits.

Joe Biden’s DOJ arrests people praying outside abortion clinics, but not fire bombers of prolife clinics.

In the past year, more black men were killed on the streets of America’s Democrat cities than in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More people die each year in drug-related deaths in America’s lawless cities than from the whole Vietnam War because of open borders.

Democrats gave up America’s borders to drug cartels.

America’s Democrat-run municipalities have seen double the murder and crime rates since police were defunded and criminal actors are being released from prison.

Joe Biden is able to speak of a program that forgives student loans, while the “leaders” are silent about its inconstitutionality.

Democrats feel that there is nothing democratic about a Supreme Court sending an unconstitutional decision back at the people.

Democrats believe abortion should be legalized after the ninth month.

Judges refuse to give a former president due procedure because they don’t like him.

Judge allows unprecedented FBI raid on former president to be carried out for doing what no other president has done. People who complain are called Nazis or insurrectionists.

Leader of the Democrats, Donald Trump, labels the idea of making America great again “fascistic and racist.”

People who disagree with the president are censored via social media by the Democrat’s FBI, misinformation czars and DOJ.

Children and climate supplicants suffer psychological harm from Democrats who knowingly lie about the end of the world in X years.

Democrats believe that people can control the weather.

Democrats did nothing to China in order to unleash the COVID-19 virus upon the United States and the rest of the world.

Democrats support sexualizing children in classrooms in the name “equity.” Those who complain get vilified and boycotted, and/or censored.

After politicians and unions closed schools, children are failing at school.

Democrats think years of riots and arsons, looting and intimidation against police are nothing when compared to two hours sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair and pushing cops on the Capitol.

Democrats back lawsuits against police officers for trying to stop riots, while simultaneously supporting a veteran who was shot to death at the Capitol protest by police.

Democrats used the FBI to convict their political opponents.

To obtain warrants to spy upon a political opponent, Democrats have lied before courts.

Democrats used COVID to justify an emergency rewrite of election laws in order to give their party an edge.

Democrats assisted big corporations to buy access to and take control of election offices during the last presidential election to turn out its voter base.

Vote Democrat if you want more of these.

The post Behold the Democrats’ Closing Argument for the 2022 Midterm Election appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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