Biden Falls Off Bike On Delaware Ride With First Lady


After being stopped by reporters, President Biden fell off his bike while riding in Delaware with Jill Biden, the first lady.

Since he assumed his Oval Office post, the president has been frequently seen riding a bicycle. He claimed that his foot got stuck in the pedal while trying to get it to stop.

He said, “I’m fine,” when he was asked immediately if he was okay.

Fox News received a statement from the White House stating that “The President stated, his foot caught on the pedal while dismounting, and he is fine.” There is no need for medical attention.

The official said that the President was looking forward to spending the remainder of the day with his family.

After his fall, Biden sat down and greeted a child waiting in Rehoboth Beach to ask him about running the country.

Biden laughed, “Oh it’s just like any other job.” “Some parts of it are difficult.”

The president took a photo of the girl, who stated that she would one day like to be president.

Biden refused to answer questions about his upcoming meeting in China with President Xi Jinping, or the lifting of any tariffs related to China.

The president praised Delaware’s recent ban on the sale of assault weapon this week.

Biden said that he was also happy with the Senate’s progress on gun control, and that he was ready to sign tougher gun control legislation.

Before he rode off, the president mounted his bike and said “Alright guys. See ya.”

The post Biden Falls Off Bike On Delaware Ride With First Lady appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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