Biden Manages to Insult Our Allies in Multiple Gaffes in East Jerusalem


Imagine a person who is in the top position in your country, but doesn’t feel like he has to go anywhere.

It’s almost like an old uncle coming to your family functions and saying something you don’t like. Joe Biden is Joe Biden. It’s a constant festival of failures and gaffes. We noticed that Joe Biden was having so much trouble, he reached out to shake hands with no one and was eventually helped to his place by the Israeli president.

Biden continued the Obama tradition of publicly supporting Israel and then doing many things to accommodate the radical left that is pro-Palestinian. Biden made many gaffes that were insulting to Israel and other allies.

It is a practice to fly the flags of both the United States and other countries on your car when you are in another country. The Israeli flag was removed by the man when he visited East Jerusalem. This was presumably done to avoid offending Palestinians, but also to offend Israelis, according to the Jerusalem Post. This would seem to be a breach of Israel’s sovereignty over the area.

Biden also pledged $100 million for Palestinian hospitals at the hospital. This was to make sure that more money is being spent on other countries and not just on our own needs. It is also possible that the money could be diverted to support the Palestinian resistance to Israel.

However, he was denied entry to Augusta Victoria Hospital when he tried to enter the country.

There has been much wrangling behind the scenes over the refusal by the U.S government to allow Israeli officials inside the hospital. The Lutheran World Federated Department for World Service runs it. After the 1948-49 War of Independence, the UN Relief and Works Agency was established to provide care for Palestinian refugees.

Although this was not a new policy at the hospital, the Biden team did it anyway and that also caused controversy. Haaretz reports that some “Israelis were furious” about the decision.

Biden then insulted both Israel and the U.K in one statement. He also compared his Irish Catholic ancestors with the Palestinians.

Biden stated that his family’s Irish American heritage is the reason for his decision. “And we have a history that is not fundamentally different from the Palestinian people. We have had a long history with Great Britain, and their attitude towards Irish Catholics over 400 years.”

This is a bad look, and it’s not going over well with any country.

There was also the matter of shaking hands. We were informed that he would not shake hands before he arrived in Israel due to concerns about COVID.

When he landed, he made fist bumps and touched people in various ways. It was all quite absurd. He then shook hands and hugged Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister.

However, Biden was already greeting Mahmoud Abbas (and why was he meeting with him?) That admonition seems gone.

This latest Biden “policy”, how confused is he? If he doesn’t shake hands with the Saudi leader now, how will he explain it, given his other actions?

We don’t have the luxury of allowing him to go abroad, because it would be too detrimental to our national security and prestige.


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