Climate Activists Expand Tire-Slashing Operation Far Beyond NYC


The U.K. climate group whose members deflated tires on an estimated 40 vehicles in New York City last month recently announced similar actions in cities nationwide.

The Tyre Extinguishers, which encourages activists to deflate tires of parked sports utility vehicles (SUV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said it has already spread to Chicago and the San Francisco area this month. Individuals affiliated with the group have deflated the tires of 20 SUVs in Chicago, another 20 SUVs in Scranton, Pa., and 12 SUVs near San Francisco this month, according to the group.

In an email, a spokesperson for the group said that it could happen anywhere and at any time. If you’re reading this and have an SUV, please dispose of it before we do any damage.

A spokesperson for the group stated that they expect to “expand massively across America in the coming weeks.”

Nice to see our demands on Fox News!

Make them happen by joining in at

— The Tyre Extinguishers (@T_Extinguishers) July 9, 2022

The group wants SUVs to be retired because they pose a threat to our health, public safety, and the environment.

The Tyre Extinguishers website states that “bigger and more powerful cars dominate our cities and towns, so only a few wealthy can flaunt their wealth.” “We must act because politicians and governments have failed us to protect ourselves against this danger.

This site provides tips and guidelines for activists about how to quickly inflate tires. The site also contains a leaflet that can be printed and stuck to the windshield of targeted vehicles. It offers tips and instructions for activists on how to quickly deflate tires.

The Tyre Extinguishers don’t exclude electric vehicles (EVs), from their actions. Because such cars leave a significant carbon footprint, this is why the Tyre Extinguishers do not exclude them.

The group’s spokesperson forwarded us an email from an EV owner located in San Francisco, complaining their vehicle was targeted and demanding compensation.

“Are you people verifying whether the cars you’re slashing are electric vehicles or not? Or are you just targetting ALL SUVs?” the person wrote.

“Freaking geniuses,” they continued. “How do I get compensated for this?”

The post Climate Activists Expand Tire-Slashing Operation Far Beyond NYC appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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