Dem Rep. Blames White Supremacy For Dallas Korean Hair Salon Shooting, But Suspect Is Black


The attack on the Dallas Korean hairdresser was carried out by Black attackers, despite the fact that the Chairwoman of Congressional Black Caucus blamed White supremacy (CBC) for the shooting last week.

Beatty miscalculated the date of the shooting and neglected a crucial detail about the “White supremacy substitute theorist,” who was charged in an attack on a Dallas salon. The suspect is Black.

The FBI is currently investigating the shooting as a hate crime. The FBI is investigating the shooting as hate crime. Authorities claim that Smith’s van was caught on surveillance video. It was a 2004 Honda Odyssey.

According to an arrest warrant, Smith was driving the minivan with a paper plate as his license plate. An arrest warrant states that Smith was driving the minivan using a paper plate as his plate.


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