George Soros-Funded Liberal Takeover Of Hispanic Radio Stations Reeks Of Desperation


George Soros, other liberal billionaires, are looking to buy 18 Hispanic radio stations in 10 markets. Conservatives oppose the plan and call it “desperation to control Latino voters who abandoned the Democratic Party.”

The Latino Media Network (Linux Media Network), was formed last week. It was partially funded by Lakestar Finance, an investment company affiliated with Soros Fund Management. The deal is expected close before the end the year. This will give new management ample time to adapt before the 2024 election.

Democrats remain concerned about losing support from large groups of Hispanic voters. Jorge Bonilla, Director of Media Research Center Latino. He believes that Latino Media Network, which is funded by Soros, bought these stations in order to win the 2024 elections.

Although the left feels more entitled than Hispanics, it is not able to persuade them and seeks to restrict their access to information.

Many Hispanics oppose Democrats on topics such as religious liberty and parental rights. Many Hispanics also want comprehensive immigration reform that favors legal immigrants.

The mainstream media has warned about Hispanic voters leaving the party over the years.

Trump saw significant gains in Latino voting in 2020, compared to 2016. Trump’s gains among Latino voters were significantly greater than those in 2016. The report also included misinformation and paranoia about communism.

Bonilla described the deal previously as a Soros’ “panic maneuver”. Bonilla also pointed to the fact that WAQI 710 in Miami was involved in the coverage of the news from MRC Latino.

Bonilla said that Mambi was a constant thorn in the side of an entitled Left that wants absolute control over media Hispanics consume. It is difficult to imagine Mambi being’restructured’ or closed down, given the outbursts by Hispanic progressives following the announcement on social networks.

Bonilla doesn’t worry about Mambi. A station insider says there is an internal rebellion.

A staffer said that they are worried about conservative voices being muted by colleagues and that advertisers might flee from the station if it remains open following the completion of the deal. Bonilla worries that Radio Soros won’t be able to stock baby formula, lower gasoline prices down to $2/gallon, or reduce crime and violence in cities.

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has already purchased an ad about the two Miami radio stations that were being bought by the new left-wing radio station

Radio Mambi, WQBA and AM will broadcast the DeSantis advertisement. DeSantis promotes his stance against “leftist misinformation” as he fights against American socialism.

The post George Soros-Funded Liberal Takeover Of Hispanic Radio Stations Reeks Of Desperation appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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