Joe Biden Desecrates Jewish New Year Celebration With Fine People Hoax


President Joe Biden desecrated Rosh Hashanah by repeating a proven lie known to be the “fine people hoax” and falsely accusing his predecessor Donald Trump of praising neo Nazis in Charlottesville, August 2017.

Trump stated that the neo Nazis should be “condemned completely,” as Breitbart News, and others have repeatedly demonstrated.

Biden spoke in front of a Jewish audience during what was being called the first ever White House Rosh Hashanah gathering.

Tradition has it that the Jewish New Year is a time for repentance for past sins, particularly the sin of lashinghara, also known as “evil speech”.

Biden, however, committed the very same sin by repeating the hoax — which was defined by the Jewish Virtual Library as “the lowest among the low”.

The most serious of the sins of tale-bearing includes lashon ha-ra, which literally means “the evil tongue” and involves discrediting someone or saying negative words about someone, even if these negative comments are true. According to some sources, lashon ha’ra is as serious as idol worship, murder, incest, and adultery. These are the only three sins you can not commit even to save a person’s life.

Negative things about someone are not allowed. Negative things about someone are not allowed, even if it is meant to be funny. Also, it is considered “shade lashon ha ra” not to speak positive things about someone in the presence his enemies. This will encourage them to say negative things that would contradict you!

A motzi sheimra is someone who disparages things that are false. This is the one who spreads bad news. This is the lowest of all the low.

Biden used the “fine folks hoax” at a unity summit this month after calling “MAGA Republicans” a threat to the nation.


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