John Fetterman Attacked NRA Members As Lunatic Fringe Of Gun Ownership


John Fetterman (Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor) attacked members of National Rifle Association for being “lunatic fringe gun owners”.

April was the Fight for Gun Safety in Pennsylvania event, which Fetterman addressed. He talked about how he would tackle gun violence in Congress.

The NRA estimates that there are about 5 million members as of 2022.

According to World Population Review, two-fifths (25%) of Pennsylvanians own a gun. The state has 236,377 firearms registered.

Fox News Digital spoke to Joe Calvello (Ffetterman campaign spokesperson). John is a gun owner and would welcome support from gun owners (including NRA members) who don’t agree with Dr. Oz’s extremist views. They want common-sense reforms to address gun violence and remove guns from those who shouldn’t own them. ”

Following past statements in defense of former President Obama’s “bitter” comments about Pennsylvania gun owners, Keystone State Democrat was under attack.

Obama’s famous remarks about Pennsylvanians living in small towns being “bitter,” during his presidential campaign, were made while pointing out “guns, religion or antipathy to people don’t like me” as the causes of their frustrations.

“And then they get bitter and they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to other people who aren’t as like them, or to anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiments to explain their frustrations,” said the former presidential candidate.

Fetterman was the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania at the time. He defended Obama’s remarks in the press as the former president was involved with his contentious primary against Senator Hillary Clinton.

Fetterman stated that small-town Americans are frustrated and mad. Local media were also informed by Fetterman that Obama could make mistakes again. Fetterman said, however, that it is not patronizing. It’s condescending. It is certainly not elitism. “


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