Manchin’s Latest Remarks Show How Much He’s Sold His Soul Over the Inflation Reduction Act


Senator Joe Manchin (D.W.Va. It appears that Senator Joe Manchin (D.W.Va.) has sold his soul to sell the “Inflation Reduction Act”, now going to hurt all of us.

We reported that Manchin was asked by Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn whether the misleading title of the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed after the false claim that it would lower inflation was made. Manchin said that it wouldn’t lower the cost of everyday goods because it doesn’t. ”

Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin admits the Bidenflation Scam won’t “immediately” reduce prices.

“Why would it?”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 18, 2022

Manchin said, “Well it’s not instantly. Manchin stated, “Well, it’s not immediately. We have never said anything like turning on the switch or off.

They can’t say when or draw a line between cause and effect. Independent assessments of the Act haven’t shown it will lower inflation.

Manchin continued digging Friday, trying to claim that the Act would increase audit chances for people making less than $400,000 and that he would not allow the IRS to harass people in West Virginia or West Virginia Small Businesses.

Households earning $400,000 per year or less & small businesses will NOT see an increase in the chances that they are audited by the IRS because of the Inflation Reduction Act.

I will NOT allow the IRS to harass taxpaying West Virginians or WV small businesses.

— Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) August 19, 2022

But, when the bill came up for a vote, Sen. Mike Crapo, R.Idaho, proposed an amendment to protect anyone earning less than $400,000; all Democrats except Manchin voted in favor of it. Manchin sold his soul to reject that protection.

Crapo amendment to the Manchin bill to limit the bill’s 87,000 new IRS agents to auditing comapnes and individuals with income of $400,000 or more FAILED 50-50.

— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) August 7, 2022

The CBO also estimated that the bill would have a $20 billion impact on the economy. This is the amount the CBO determined that taxation would occur for those earning less than $400,000.

With his actions, Manchin already makes America and West Virginia laughable. What is he going to do? He will stop the IRS from knocking on your door, asking that you block their path. But it’s too late. They won’t buy it.

The post Manchin’s Latest Remarks Show How Much He’s Sold His Soul Over the Inflation Reduction Act appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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