New York’s Hochul Declares No Such Thing as a Good Guy With a Gun


It almost seems as though the embattled New York Governor wants to do it again. He was an excellent administrator and could make the right decisions at the right time. This caused the Big Apple to sink into a firestorm crime and murder.

Hochul, an unelected governor tweeted Aug. 31 that her dictatorial throne had been ascended after former Gov. Cuomo resigned. Hochul stated that “Keeping New Yorkers safe is my top priority.” Hochul announced that September 1 would see further restrictions to the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. This will undoubtedly cause fear among gun owners.

Concealed weapons will be banned from subways, bars, and other sensitive areas starting tomorrow.

New Yorkers, buckle up!

It is quite common for evil nutjobs and criminals to have guns and do bad things.

Hochul did not, as is usual with gun-grabbers left, mention lax sentencing guidelines, cashless or minimum bond requirements. Hochul also spoke of revolving cells that allow violent offenders into America’s once proud (Democratic-run) cities to turn them into war zones with illegally obtained ghost guns or stolen firearms.

Hochul’s announcement was both funny and tragic.

It is absurd to think that a man with a gun could stop bad men with guns.

Guns are not necessary for public transportation.

The Supreme Court made a decision to reverse course based on all of the information and knowledge, as well as a law that had worked in our state. People who conceal their guns could be subject to even more tragedy.

Insanely incorrect and outrageously politically driven.

Kathy. This is the problem with the notion that a good man can stop bad men with guns.

We reported that Eli Dicken was a good guy with guns and shot and killed Greenwood Park Mall’s shooter. The shooter had just emerged from a nearby toilet and began firing. Three people were killed, and two others were injured. Dicken (22 years old) saw the shooter coming from a nearby bathroom and immediately took action. Police later stated that Dicken stopped him in 15 seconds. Many lives were saved by this act.

Comments, Gov. Hochul? I’ll wait.

Gun-grabbers are averse to the reality of “good guys with guns”. Liberal ideology often runs amok when it is based on facts, logic, or common sense.

My colleague suggested that anti-gunners dislike “progressives” because “good guys have guns”. He also suggested that “good guys with guns” is one reason why anti-gunners detest the “progressives”.

Kathy Hochul is Kathy Hochul.

You don’t represent our values, so get out of New York.

Also known by the New York Republican Party as an in-kind contribution.

Kathy Hochul might become a motivational speaker after her political career is over.


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