NYC Bicyclist On Way To Pull Off From Suspected Hit Gets Gunned Down Himself In Drive-By Shooting


A New York City bicyclist was returning from a gang hit when his head was shot.

What Are The Details?

According to police, the 26-year-old man was riding his bicycle on Crown Street and Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights at two AM when he was struck in the head by a driver. It was a sedan of dark color.

Police sources claim that the victim was in at least twelve times arrested in the city. According to the Post, he was wearing black rubber gloves when he was shot.

Kings County Hospital Center was called to take the victim of a drive-by shooting. According to the newspaper, he was declared dead and the shooting was believed to be gang-related.

What Else?

According to the Post, there were two additional shootings during the same period.

According to police, there was a drive-by shooting Tuesday morning at Astoria Blvd North in Queens.

According to the Post, cops claimed that the victim was a 27-year-old man who had been a suspect in several previous arrests. He was shot in the arm, leg, and buttocks.

Police stated that the shooter was dressed in a black hoodie, black hat, and blue jeans as he drove down Steinway Street in an SUV (possibly Dodge Durango).

The Post reported six shell casings were found on the scene by investigators.

Authorities say that another 21-year-old man was shot in the back and buttocks Monday at East 13th Street, near University Place in Manhattan.

According to the police, the victim was transported to Bellevue Hospital with minor injuries.

The paper was added to the paper by police after the motive wasn’t clear and the victim refused to cooperate with investigators.

The Post reported that no arrests had been made in connection to any of these shootings.

Violent Crime In NY and The Race To Be Governor

Kathy Hochul, a Democrat running against Lee Zeldin for the New York Governor’s seat, said that Republicans were trying to invent a conspiracy that makes Democrat states “not so secure.”

Hochul said that murders and shootings in New York have dropped by 15%, even in New York City. They are also down 20% in Long Island, where Lee Zeldin is a …..

Zeldin suggested Hochul was soft on crime during the debate. Hochul replied, “I don’t know why this’s so important to you.” Quinnipiac polls show that crime is New York’s number one problem.


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