Pelosi’s Mega-Millionaire Husband Could Have Saved Thousands By Calling An Uber


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims that her mega-millionaire husband drove in Napa County, California on Saturday night, instead of calling an Uber, taxi or taxi. This led to a car accident and thousands of dollars in bail for him following his arrest for suspicion of drunk driving.

Multiple reports have stated that Paul Pelosi (82) was driving a 2021 Porsche when he was struck by a Jeep in 2014. Pelosi was trying to cross State Route 29 through Napa.

The crash did not result in any injuries to either driver. CHP stated that an investigation was ongoing.

Paul Pelosi, a misdemeanor, was taken into custody at 11:44 pm. He was charged with driving with blood alcohol levels of.08 and higher as well driving under the influence of alcohol. According to Napa County records, he was taken into Napa Valley Detention Center at 4:43 a.m. Sunday. Bail was set at $5,000. He was released at 7:26 a.m.

According to her 2018 financial disclosure, Speaker Pelosi (D-Calif.) is one of Congress’ most wealthy members, with a net worth at least $114million. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Paul Pelosi has amassed more than $100 million through his San Francisco-based venture capital company, Financial Leasing Services.

It is not clear if Pelosi was heading to the vineyard that Speaker Pelosi had owned just last year before the crash. It would have been $103.90 if Pelosi had taken Uber to get to San Francisco from Napa. The Pelosi family has multiple properties in the area. Uber’s most expensive option is the Black SUV, which would have been $329.54. You can also find hotels in Napa starting at $150.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a first offense of drunken driving can result in a driver paying upwards $10,000 in legal fees and fines.

According to the NHTSA, 32 Americans are killed each day by drunken driving accidents. This is one every 45 minutes.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, (MADD) states that the average drunk driver has been arrested more than 80 times before they are caught.

The post Pelosi’s Mega-Millionaire Husband Could Have Saved Thousands By Calling An Uber appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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