TURNER: Where Is James Bond When We Need Him? (The Congress Should Do Something.)

    Olivier Hoslet, Pool Photo via AP


    Guess who is behind the “protesting” – really, antisemitic, anti-Israel, anti-American rioting – that is engulfing U.S. college campuses today? George Soros, everybody’s favorite James Bondian master villain.

    George Soros is a billionaire businessman, and prodigious political and ideological donor, who is “one of the most evil men currently shaping American and Western politics, and global events more generally” and is “more responsible than any man in the world for the descent of some of America’s most iconic cities into anarchic urban hellholes…(and) has been a massive bankroller of the antisemitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” global movement, (and has) “supported internationally recognized Palestinian-Arab terrorist organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine…” 

    He is known as the man who “broke the Bank of England,” because, in 1992, he shorted the British pound and reportedly made a profit of $1 billion. Although Jewish by birth, Soros has boasted of the fact that his mother was a Jewish antisemite, and has even admitted to assisting with the confiscation of property of other Jews by a Nazi. In that interview (linked above), he expressed no remorse for the confiscation, and even commented that it was in a “funny way…just like in the markets, that if I weren’t there, if I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away, anyhow.”

    In addition to being a self-hating Jew who helped the Nazis, who is undermining Western society, and who “broke the Bank of England,” Soros also has a thick, harsh Hungarian accent and is – let’s face it – rather ugly. So, really, all George Soros needs is the white cat to complete his well-earned image as the latest world-threatening mastermind villain for the next James Bond movie.

    And all we need is James Bond to thwart him.

    Alas, that is not to be. I guess we will have to settle for Jordan…James Jordan. This James is the Republican head of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. He has the power to hold some real Congressional oversight over this Bondian supervillain, and hold hearings on the current campus rioting. He has the power to focus his attention on George Soros’ evil intentions, and his grand plan “to erode the very fabric of civilization” and to further his hatred of humanity–as well as to expose the plans of the subservient (non-Soros villains) henchmen as well. 

    A House Judiciary Committee hearing on George Soros and the current rioting should involve real fact-based witnesses – not influencers – to discuss the left’s cooperation with the antisemitic radicals, and with other radical groups, that looks at their fiscal sponsorship of non-profits, how they manipulate the rules for non-profits, and how they funnel money to the rioters. You know, the money that is currently being used to provide multi-thousand-plus dollar stipends, matching tents, Dunkin Donuts, and other privileges to rioting students while they spread dangerous propaganda and intimidate American Jews, other Israel supporters, and everyday pro-America people on campus.

    Chairman Jordan can certainly look into this national disgrace, if he wants to. (I know this well, since I used to conduct oversight for the Senate Judiciary Committee.) There is a clear federal nexus here to ground the federal oversight.The 1870 Ku Klux Klan Act, codified at 18 USC §241 states that “If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth,Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same…They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” (Hat tip my former Professor at GMU Law, David Bernstein @ProfDBernstein.)

    Chairman James Jordan can even politely invite George Soros to appear before his committee. Who knows, we might get lucky. As we all know, the villain in every James Bond movie loves to pontificate, and explain his entire plan on how he plans to dominate the world to observers at the slightest opportunity. Maybe all we need is to offer to let him stroke his cat at the hearing?


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