You Won’t Believe Real Time Host Bill Maher’s Response to Michael Moore Predicting Landslide Against Republican Traitors in November


Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore launched into a long anti-Republican rant on Friday night during his segment with Bill Maher, “Real Time.” He predicted a “landslide in November’s midterm election against the “Republican traitors”, who are “trying “to tear down the country.”

Moore was reminded by Maher, after several minutes of nonstop stumping from the leftist, that “we’re for all Americans on this program.”

What about the details?

Moore stated that he had never felt so optimistic during a video interview with Maher.

Moore pointed out that the “Real Time,” audience booed him after he correctly forecast that former President Donald Trump would win in 2016. But now Moore says he thinks “the opposite’s going to happen” this November.

Moore stated that he believes there will be a massive defeat of the traitors, particularly the 147 Republicans that voted not to certify Joe Biden as the president of the United States. He then sarcastically thanked the Supreme Court for reminding women they were, in fact, second-class citizens, in reference to Roe v. Wade’s overturn.

Moore then shifted to the unexpected pro-abortion win recently in Kansas and the defeat by Republican Sarah Palin at a special election for Alaska’s U.S. Senate. He predicted a “massive” turnout of women that would tip the Midterm tide in favor of the Democrats.

“There are so many indicators of this that”… Moore said, “If everyone does their work and if people get out there and get involved, I believe we can get rid of a lot of these Republican traitors in the November election.” Maher agreed.

Fox News reports that Moore said Moore also stated that there is a good chance there will be “two-five” new Democrat senators after the midterms and that Democrats will retain control of the House of Representatives.

According to the cable network, Moore said that “So women and young people and people of color are going to save it, and we will be very happy the day following the election.” “I believe there is a revolution, a non-violent revolution” in favor of democracy. It’s not something people want …”

“We are for all Americans” on this show!

Moore’s rant lasted over four minutes. Maher laughed at Moore’s interminable speech. Moore responded, “I’m just thrilled.” These people are going to be thrown out. They’re going to be gone. Mediaite: “I’m excited about that.”

Maher responded, “You know we have some Republicans watching the show…we are for all Americans,” the outlet stated.

Moore tried to add more words but Maher cut him off. Mediaite observed: “Yeah. I know, I know. Shut up. Answer one more question. Okay?”

Fox News reported that Moore changed his mood after Maher asked about Biden’s chances for 2024.

Moore was told by Maher, according to the cable network, “Oh, suddenly, you have nothing to talk about.”

Fox News stated that Moore replied, “I feel for his,” “I don’t want to pick up on him because he’s old but he said when he ran that he might only be a one-term president.”

Here are the highlights of Moore’s antirepublican speech.

The post You Won’t Believe Real Time Host Bill Maher’s Response to Michael Moore Predicting Landslide Against Republican Traitors in November appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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