Texas Family Discovers Abandoned Baby in Backyard Shed After Man Steals Neighbor’s Vehicle


A Texas family found an abandoned child in their backyard shed on Saturday morning after their security cameras caught a man trying to steal their neighbor’s truck.

Katharine and John McClain shared with KHOU their story of awakening Saturday morning to hear their neighbor’s car driving away. They reviewed the security footage and found a naked man wandering around McClains’ property.

He is seen looking at the doors of vehicles to make sure they are locked. He was unsuccessful and moved to the property of a neighbor, where he was eventually able to steal a truck.

McClains called their neighbor and reported the truck as stolen.

Katharine stated to the news outlet that living in Livingston is peaceful and secure.

The couple assumed the chaos was over and were shocked when their dog began barking at the shed in their backyard.

Katharine stated that her husband told Katharine to call the police right away after opening the shed door.

“He said, “Call 911, there is a baby,” Katharine said Katharine that he thought he was joking. “A baby snake?” “A baby what?”

John said that he could hear his dog crying as he approached the shed. He found a baby inside the shed when he opened the door.

John stated, “When I opened it up the baby was lying right next to the motorcycle right there.”

Katharine called 911 to get the dispatcher’s permission to pick up the baby. Katharine wrapped her baby girl in a towel and brought it inside while they waited for an ambulance.

The child was examined by doctors on the spot and she was then flown to Houston.

Security footage showed the man carrying the baby inside the shed. He spent many hours with the child there. The man is seen then leaving the shed alone and moving toward the vehicles.

McClains’ security footage showed that McClains had captured the man being arrested by police. He was arrested for driving the neighbor’s truck stolen and charged with abandoning/endangering a child. The McClains found his vehicle near railroad tracks.

Katharine stated that she was shaken by the incident.

She said, “I’m just a mom.” “I was quite frantic, and distraught. It still sort of got me a bit.”

Katharine stated that she and her family would take care of the baby girl.

She stated, “I want her to be happy, and live a full life. If they give her to me, I would take her in a heartbeat. She’ll have no worries ever again.”

The post Texas Family Discovers Abandoned Baby in Backyard Shed After Man Steals Neighbor’s Vehicle appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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