Radical Iowa Democrat Mike Franken Pushes Open Borders On America


When it comes to immigration, the Democrat who was nominated for the U.S. Senate nomination in Iowa is more radical than others.

Mike Franken shocked political observers by beating former Rep. Abby Finkenauer, D-IA, for the U.S. Senate Nomination and an opportunity to face Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-IA, in November’s general elections. He has a long history advocating open borders policies that are detrimental to American workers.

Franken stated that “the wall is idiotic” in 2020. He also promoted the false attack on then-President Donald Trump, “kids inside cages”. Although leftists claimed Trump placed “kids into cages” at the border, the enclosures were actually built during the administration of former Democratic President Barack Obama — during which Biden served as vice president.

This is the same line he used repeatedly in that year when he ran to be senator and lost to Theresa Greenfield for the Democrat nomination. Greenfield lost the general election defeat to Sen. Joni Ernest (R-IA) and has since served in the administration of Democrat President Joe Biden.

Franken, however, repeatedly referred to positions that were at odds with American sovereignty during the primary. Franken also advocated for policies to “protect” the so-called “DREAMers”, who are illegal alien youths who came to the country as minors.

Franken, when asked by Greenfield during a May 2020 primary debate, said that it shouldn’t be a crime for illegally crossing the border.

Franken stated that illegal border crossings are not crimes. “Get the children out of the cages. It is absurd to build a wall.

Grassley was asked about Franken’s radical views and he responded in a statement to Breitbart News.

In the statement, Grassley stated:

America’s sovereignty is being eroded by President Biden’s open-border policy. We are a nation built on laws. The rule of law is what holds society together, from public safety to economic security. If anyone truly cares about Iowans, and listens to their opinions, they would not support amnesty, send payments to illegal immigrants, or make it possible for anyone to enter our country without our permission. As the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Republican, I am leading the fight against President Biden’s open border policies. Iowans have had enough of President Biden’s open border policies. We are seeing a record number of illegal immigrants cross our southern border, and we don’t enforce our laws. It is common sense for both border security and taxpayers to finish the border wall. This is especially true when you consider that Americans pay $3 million per day to guard the unused steel for the wall Biden cancelled his first day.

Franken also attacked Trump’s supporters, veterans and other Trump supporters.

He described Trump supporters as having “slavish devotion” and called them “Republican Heretics”.

Franken’s extremist views and comments on Trump and immigration are not the only ones. The Washington Free Beacon published an article earlier this week that explained how Franken believes, as he stated at a campaign event last week, that there is a conspiracy among evangelicals and capitalists to “dumbdown” American youths.

Franken claims in the video, which was published by the Free Beacon that Republicans are trying to “make people dumb and liars.”

Gingrich replied to the shocking video saying he found the comments of the Democrat “laughable.”

Franken attempted to politicize the Highland Park shooting in Illinois and twist it into an attack against Grassley. This was also the reaction of Iowans, including Rep. Ashley Hinson (R – IA). Hinson retorted, calling Franken’s actions “disgusting and just shameful”.

This person has been a frequent advocate of radical views and the fact that Democrats have nominated him is a sign that Democrats could lose their ability to compete in the Hawkeye State. Iowa, once a political battleground state, is now more inclined towards Republicans. According to voter registrations, people have been leaving the Democrat party in droves and joining the GOP since the 2020 election. This trend seems to be reinforced by the recent voter registrations. In a possible 2024 rematch, recent polling by the Des Moines Register shows Trump leading Biden there by large margins. Trump won Iowa against Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, and again against Biden in 2020.


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