Texas Gov. Abbott Lashes Out After 46 Migrants Found Dead In Tractor-Trailer


Texas Governor. Greg Abbott blamed President Joe Biden for his immigration policies. Abbott tweeted Monday night that the discovery was on Biden. Abbott said that these deaths were on Biden.

Two more migrants were reported to have died at the Texas hospital. This brings the total number of deaths to 48.

Biden was also criticized by the Republican governor for failing to do enough to secure the southern borders.

They result from his open border policies. Abbott stated that they are a result his refusal to enforce the law.

Biden’s policies regarding immigrants were criticized by several other officials including Ted Cruz, Texas who called it “horrific” and “wrong.” ”

Rep. Rep. Tony Gonzales, a Republican who represents Texas, also tweeted about the incident.

Today was 102 degrees in San Antonio. 42 people died today. @AliMayorkas will mention their names? This lawmaker was referring to Alejandro Mayorkas, who was nominated as U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security by Biden.

Gonzales also demanded Mayorkas’ resignation.

He stated that ICE was currently investigating human smugglers. He called them “callous individuals with zero regard for vulnerable persons they exploit or endanger in order to make a profit.” ”

He promised to hold those responsible accountable and to continue taking action to disrupt the smuggling network.

Ron Nirenberg, the San Antonio Mayor, is also an Independent registered voter. He said that the blame was on the border policies.

Nirenberg said that although we have seen an increase in migrants over the past six months and twelve months, this is directly linked to policies. Nirenberg said that humanitarian aid is what we do. ”

Nirenberg called Monday’s discovery “nothing but a terrible human tragedy.” ”

Officials weren’t able to say if the individuals were being relocated from Mexico or another country.

Arizona Republican Harris Faulkner stated that “there would be deaths” during a conversation with Harris Faulkner on “The Faulkner Focus,” which aired June 21.

It is more than the monthly amount of asylum seekers who were sent to Mexico. It’s likely that this is bogus in most cases.

At most 16 people, including four children, were found alive in the tractor-trailer and were taken to hospital.

The post Texas Gov. Abbott Lashes Out After 46 Migrants Found Dead In Tractor-Trailer appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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