There’s A New Public Charter School Specializing in LGBT Affirmation in A Very Red State


America is changing. If you are looking for an unmistakable example, think about the creation of a school specialized in this field. WBHM relayed that an academy was created for gay youth and their LGBTQ peers.

Perhaps the most important thing about the location of learning is that it’s located in the middle of Alabama. The Magic City Acceptance Academy is a charter school that accepts all students. It opened in the fall of 2013 with more than 270 students.

One might argue that all schools are wrapped in a rainbow embrace. The argument can be made that Alabama isn’t yet caught up.

WBHM’s report suggests that this is the idea. While all public schools are required to provide safe learning environments for students, this is not always the case for LGBTQ students. Elliot, a transgender student at his previous school, began falling behind in virtual learning and didn’t receive the academic support he required. A close friend also exposed him to his school and he didn’t feel safe.

Elliot stated that he received death threats for every name in the book. “I received the whole disgusting, gross slur. Because I live my truth.”

His family stated that it was an easy decision to transfer to the charter school, which actively supports students such as Elliot.

Elliot stated, “Being able to relax in a place that I don’t need to pretend is very, just calm.” “I feel secure, and I don’t feel like I have to hide anymore.”

According to the outlet, Elliot’s mom couldn’t be happier.

There has been a reversal: “The difference between last year and this year is just a 180. Elliot’s mother said that he is a completely different child. It makes me smile every time I think about it.”

Michael Wilson, a member of the LGBT community himself, is the Academy’s founding principal.

His wings are widespread at MCAA: “[I have never been able] to say that in my workplace and be who I really am.” I can be me as a principal without being judged.”

Michael noticed a need during his 28-year tenure in Birmingham City Schools.

“Students came with such anxiety, angst, depression, and even suicide ideation. It was clear that they were not receiving the support they needed in traditional learning spaces.”

The About page of the school explains its purpose:

Mission – The Magic City Acceptance Academy fosters a learning community where all learners can embrace education, attain individual success, and own their future in a safe, LGBTQ-affirming learning environment.

Vision – [MCAA] will provide a quality, innovative and inspiring education to students in grades 6-12. MCAA is designed to help students who are struggling in traditional schools or have dropped out. To empower students to direct their education, mentors and teachers will be incorporated into the varied MCAA curriculum. MCAA will offer a safe learning environment and a welcoming culture that is LGBTQ-affirming for all.

WBHM spoke to Beth Smith, mother to “two queer kids” and marveled at the fact that Alabama has this option.

She is not the only one who has doubts.

It seems that non-LGBT children may be using the school’s vision.

The Daily Wire reports that [MCAA] attracts straight black children whose families view it as a way to help their kids escape Birmingham’s failing regular public schools. …

Alabama’s traditional public schools are ranked among the worst in America, so straight students are flocking from Birmingham to Homewood.

According to The Daily Wire, “Some children are not gay, but they go there because they want to escape the inner-city schools.” A source from the school said that the kids were not gay and spoke under anonymity.

It’s not difficult to believe.

For what they believed was a superior culture, gay students quit a “straight” school and straight students moved to a gay school to enjoy better academics.

It’s a strange moment in a strange place. There’s no stopping the colossal changes.

The post There’s A New Public Charter School Specializing in LGBT Affirmation in A Very Red State appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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